Are you ready to feel...
π£ clear
π΅ intuitive
π΄ grounded
π‘ empowered
Working with the chakras in practice can be one resource for tapping into these inner qualities and strengths, and in this online course with Sianna Sherman, you’ll learn how.

Cakra literally means “a wheel” or “circle.” In the general, modern yoga conversation, a cakra refers to an energetic nexus—a crossing point of energetic channels in or around the subtle body.
These cakras often have defined shapes (including geometric patterns and lotus petals) and colors and are often adorned with images such as the phonemes of the SanskαΉt alphabet, various gods or goddesses, and other mystical characters and symbols.
What's Included in the Course:
7 Chakra Radiance practices (75 - 90 minutes each)
Mudras, Mantras, Meaning of each Chakra
Animals, Codes, and Deities
Tantric Empowerments
Shadow Work
Chakra Radiance eBook
Chakra Visualizations + Contemplation Questions
Special Bonus with my teacher Sreedevi Bringi (2.5 hours)

- Explore muladhara chakra (the root chakra) in practice in order to invite body acceptance and feelings of groundedness and trust.
- This chakra is symbolized by the earth element and anatomically associated with the pelvic floor.

Explore svadhisthana chakra (the sacral chakra, which Sianna translates as “sacred abode of self”) in practice, which can help us connect with our emotional and sensual selves.
This chakra is symbolized by the water element and the moon and anatomically associated with the pelvis and hips.

Connect to the fire element in a vitalizing and empowering manipura chakra (“city of jewels”) practice.
This chakra is associated with the solar plexus, which spans from the navel to the base of the breastbone

Open to the joy in your heart with an anahata chakra (heart chakra or “unstruck sound”) practice.
This chakra is said to govern the heart, lungs, lymphatic system, and thymus gland. Its element is air, and its essence is love.

Explore vishuddha chakra (the throat chakra or “pure place”) in practice, a chakra that can help us speak our truth with honesty, clarity, and skillfulness.
Vishuddha chakra is associated with the throat, tongue, thyroid, larynx, and neck.

Explore ajna chakra (the eyebrow center or “command center”), a chakra that is associated with intuition, clear perception, and imagination.
Anatomically, this chakra is “located” at the brow center

Work with sahasrara chakra (the crown chakra or “thousand petaled lotus”). This chakra is, as Sianna describes it, the “full hookup” to divine source.
Anatomically, sahasrara chakra is associated with the crown of the head, and spiritually it’s a resource for liberation.